Eric Buechel: The Familiar

November 2-30, 2018
Eric Buechel: The Familiar
Opening reception: Friday, November 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed Thursday-Friday, November 22-23, for the holidays.

Eric Buechel was born and raised in New Jersey. His artistic abilities emerged early in life, and he was fortunate to learn many of his skills from his father, Ernest J. Buechel, Sr., who was a talented artist himself as well as a master ship-modeler. Buechel spent much of his youth absorbed in studying the great masters, often taking trains into New York City as a youth to spend hours in the museums. After high school, he attended the DuCret School of Art in Plainfield, New Jersey. He had the opportunity to study with Dr. Furman J. Finck, an official presidential portrait painter, author, and Dean of DuCret at that time. He learned much of his incredible detail from Dr. Finck. Buechel later transferred to Broward College in South Florida where he earned his degree in fine art. He soon went to work in Manhattan and began his career as an illustrator and later as an art director.

Artist Statement: My work focuses on sharing my vision of beauty found in the familiar and ordinary. A walk in nature, an outing to a local café, the face of a loved one: these are the things that bring me joy. Capturing those memories on canvas and sharing those memories brings me even greater joy. Memories are filtered through an emotional lens which can be seen through the differing styles of my work which lends a different feel to each piece. The goal of my art is to share these reflections and memories through a vision on canvas and bring the viewer to a place within their own memories of joy and happiness. After all, our lives are filled with ordinary events which we all have in common. Art should be beautiful; I unapologetically strive to share beauty.

To learn more about Eric Buechel, please visit

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