Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Gallery of Arts Tribute

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission is partnering with the Arts & Culture Alliance to provide the ninth annual juried exhibition developed to recognize local artists and, most importantly, honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This new exhibition will feature works by 30 local artists reflecting the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and have pertinence to the themes of Unity, Community, Love, Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Civil Rights.

Proudly showcasing work by: Linda Blair, Larry Cole, Tina Curry, Yvonne Dalschen, Susana Esrequis, Perry Flanagan, Elena Ganusova, Deborah Hall, Patricia Huber, Laurel Hughes, Robi Keylon, Andreas Koschan, Shawn Krise, Karen Kyte, Bonnie Licata, Lana Lindorfer, Sylvia Milanez, Carolyn Moore, Michael C. Murphy, Richard Olowoyo, Jamie Price Payne, Sheryl Sallie, Gayla Seale, Jenn B. Simon, Kala Spriggs, Carol Stevens, Dorethea Taylor, Mría Paz Valenzuela, and Patsy White.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission
Gallery of Arts Tribute | January 5-26, 2024 at the Emporium Center, Knoxville, TN

Statement of Purpose
The Arts & Culture Alliance and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission are pleased to present the 9th annual Gallery of Arts Tribute, developed to recognize local artists and honor the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Approximately 40-50 fine art works of all media will be selected for display in the main lower gallery of the beautifully-restored Emporium Center at 100 S. Gay Street, Knoxville’s downtown arts anchor location. The Emporium is free and open to the public Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, with additional hours for special events.

The exhibition seeks to feature works by artists living within 100 miles of Knoxville.

Artwork should provide one or more of the following:
+ A reflection of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
+ A response to the themes of Unity, Community, Love, Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Civil Rights

Entries must be original and completed within the last five years in 2-D and 3-D (such as painting, watercolor, pastel, drawing, sculpture in any medium, jewelry, collage, printmaking, photography and digital media). The maximum allowed size is 60” x 60” in any direction including frame or stand. Weight is not to exceed 50 lbs. unless special arrangements are made. Artwork created in whole or in part using any artificial intelligence system is not eligible.

Artwork must be suitably framed/mounted and WIRED FOR INSTALLATION. Work may not have previously exhibited in any Alliance exhibition.

Submitted works will be juried by staff members of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission and the Arts & Culture Alliance.

Entry Procedure
There is no entry fee. Each artist may submit up to three pieces for consideration. Artwork should be delivered to the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street in downtown Knoxville, on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Directions/parking information for the Emporium may be found here.

Please fill out the entry form below in advance of bringing artwork.

Sales & Commission
Every effort is made to promote sales. All sales are handled by the Arts & Culture Alliance, who retains a 25% commission (20% for cash and check sales). To operate in accordance with the Tennessee Department of Revenue guidelines, the Alliance will add sales tax to the price of each work that sells from the Emporium and for which it collects payment. Sold works are to remain in the exhibition until its official closing date and time, unless an alternate arrangement can be reached that is mutually agreeable to the Alliance, the Artist, and the purchaser of the artwork.

Schedule for 2022
Below application filled out and artwork hand-delivered to Emporium Center: Tuesday, January 2, between 9 AM – 5 PM
Selection of works and notifications sent: Wednesday, January 3
Opening celebration: Friday, January 5, 5-9 PM
Exhibit dates: January 5-26, 2024. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, January 15, for the holiday.
Pick-up work (no work is released before end of show): Monday, January 29, between 9 AM – 5 PM.
No work is released before the end of the exhibition. Any artwork left beyond 45 days after the last day of the exhibition may become property of the Alliance.

Handling, Theft, Damage or Loss
The Alliance agrees to handle all artwork with proper care so that artwork will not be damaged, excepting ordinary wear and tear. The Alliance shall not be liable for damage or loss caused by war, confiscation, order of any government or public authority, or by any and all causes beyond the control of the Alliance. The Alliance agrees to notify an artist within 36 hours by telephone, e-mail, and/or by written notification upon the event of any theft, damage or loss that occurs while artwork is in the possession of the Alliance. In the event of loss or damage to artwork at fault of the Alliance, the Alliance agrees to compensate up to reasonable market value on each artwork as agreed upon by Artist and the Alliance’s Executive Director.

Insurance/Artwork Inventory
Unless otherwise specified, ACA will insure up to $25,000 on all artwork in the Emporium throughout the exhibition. If necessary, Artist will insure work above that amount. Unclaimed hand-delivered work is not insured after the posted pick-up date. It is the artist’s responsibility to provide all insurance and shipping costs on works during shipment.

Receipt of the completed form constitutes your agreement with all conditions established in the prospectus. The Alliance reserves the right to use artist information and images for publicizing the event and/or on the Web sites at www.knoxalliance.com. Consent to reproduce works photographically is assumed to be granted unless stated otherwise.

About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission
The mission is to reaffirm and reflect upon the American ideals of freedom, justice and peace. To that end, we pledge to work inclusively with community partners to: lift and live principles of non-violence, equality and love; tell the stories of the struggles; and provide education and leadership training for adults and youth. www.mlkknoxville.com

About the Arts & Culture Alliance
The Arts & Culture Alliance serves and supports a diverse community of artists, arts organizations, and cultural institutions. The Alliance receives financial support from the Tennessee Arts Commission.

More Information
Please direct any questions pertaining to this exhibition to Suzanne Cada, 865-523-7543 or sc@knoxalliance.com.

Please note, we are accepting up to three entries ONLY per artist (although the form below provides up to five entries).

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