International Latino Art Exhibition

May 6-27, 2016
International Latino Art Exhibition
Opening reception: Friday, May 6, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sunday, May 15, 3:30-6:30 PM, Friday, May 20, 5:00-7:00 PM and Saturday, May 21, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Curated by Dina R. Ruta and featuring fifteen artists from five countries. This exhibition comes from a desire to innovate and give Latin American art a space and purpose here in Knoxville, promoting the integration of cultures in order to broaden the concept of art and establish it as a mode of communication. These exceptional contemporary artists have generated a dynamic dialogue that, together with the overwhelming power of color and varied gesture, consistent with the conception of it as a cultural symbol, transcends the chronological and geographical boundaries of the continent. Featured artists include:

Argentina: Inés Barlasina, Ángel Barón Da conté, and José Utrera
Colombia: Jorge Yances
Honduras: Elías José Díaz Alcántara, Dennis Cerrato, Víctor López, Sergio Martínez, Santos Arzú Quinto, Omar Sánchez, and Iván Soto
México: Rafael Sáenz Félix and Héctor Saldívar
Venezuela: Ángel Blanco and Al Vanegas

I met simultaneously contemporary artists from five countries in the Americas. In this exhibition more than thirty works of art are presented, including paintings, sculptures and installations. These exceptional artists from Latin America have generated that together with the overwhelming power of color and varied gesture, consistent with a conception as a cultural sign dynamic dialogue, transcends the chronological and geographical boundaries of the continent.

The visual language defines not only their styles, but the only way to see and feel; these works are subject to contextual interpretation. Each piece presents a tension between opposites. In the hands of these artists, the artwork becomes an end, a tool to raise awareness of the audience on critical factors that determine their everyday environment. It is a visual metaphor that requires restrained and calm attention. Anyway, for that matter, art as binding language of the social network to which they belong. In order to surprise the eye of the beholder.

“As Eugenio D’Ors suggests, the subconscious is amorphous. In an apparent unanimity of the plane, the artist discovers and helps us to discover the codes of another universe inside this cave. ”

Dina R. Ruta, Curator, 2016

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