“Building your Creative Resume” on June 19, 2018

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a professional development seminar for artists and other creative people on Tuesday, June 19, from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville. Join us as we welcome R.L. Gibson!

Would you hire you based on your resume? If not, maybe your creative resume isn’t representing where you’re really headed. Are you looking for museum shows or retail representation? Do you want to increase your chances at getting juried into small gallery shows or large wholesale trade shows? Come learn how to build your resume to prepare for the future you want. Do you need help choosing which shows to pursue or determining if galleries worth your time? Let’s figure it out together.

Join us to learn how to choose a strategy & build the resume you need to get where you want to go. This 45 minute seminar will be followed by a Q&A session.


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